Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Day One:
Making a blog. This is one of my 40 by 40 so I'm off to a good start.
Tomorrow I weigh myself and start the 40 push ups a day routine...

And, with all your help, I will actually finish my list of 40.
(So get going with your suggestions!)

Big love,


  1. Hooray!!! Skydive if you haven't already done it! And I'd better be invited to that big party :-) Give my love to Amanda and Happy New Year to you both!

  2. Thanks for that! Of course you're invited. And I'm all ears on your advice because I know you're doing a kick-ass 30 before 30!

  3. Ok. I can help on many fronts here:

    2. Invite me. I have a belly. I'm a vegetarian. I am a great raconteur.

    3. Are you kidding me? I can escort you, explain all the rules AND introduce you to derby superstars.

    4. My dad is king of KIVA. Let me know if you have questions.

    7. I'll keep you in mind!

    13. I've been dying to do the Statue of Liberty/Ellis Island thing since I moved here. Would love to join you.

    16. I went through a crazy Ayn Rand phase in high school. I can quote the first couple of lines from memory: "Howard Roark laughed. He stood naked on the edge of a cliff. . . " Let me know if you ever want to talk objectivist theory.

    Good luck!
